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10 Important SEO Tips for Every Web Designers November 25, 2015

10 Important SEO Tips for Every Web Designers

Imagine you are looking for a fabulous restaurant in a new city. Or you are searching for a nice shopping hub in the city. What do you do? Instead of taking help from people, the first thing comes in  your mind is that “Google it”!

It is practiced by millions of people every day. When it comes to search online, most users stop scrolling after the first 2-3 pages of the search results. It is where SEO stands. In other words, Search Engine Optimization is related to search results and listing your site to the first 2-3 pages of the search engines. With attractive presentation of your website, one more important thing matters a lot is its presence over the internet. A SEO friendly website finds natural visits and space in the first or second pages of the search results. The article guides web designers some important tips for SEO.

1. Conducting in-depth Search for Keywords

SEO is required to be planned from the beginning of the website designing. At first, keyword research is done where it is necessary to pinpoint exactly what your targeted audiences are typing in their search query.

2. Mobile Friendly Design

Browsing from smart handled devices has been overtaken desktop online searches. It clearly indicates to design the template that can adjust to every screen size from desktop to mobile and palm computer.

3. Meaningful URL

Google go through the words used in URLs, therefore, it is necessary to integrate your keyword phrases within them. It helps to recognize Google what your page is talking about.

4. Using Relevant Title Tags

A title page gives a clear picture of the topic discussed in a web page. These title tags feature in 3 places-the search engine results pages, browser and external websites. Don’t exceed the character limit more than 65.

5. Call-to-action on Each Page

The practice will let you know about visitor’s action in your site. Add shopping cart button or schedule a consultation. Call to action works very well.

6. Be Descriptive about Image File Names

To make your website search engine friendly, make sure to optimize your site at max. Images of your site can be optimized by using descriptive file names. Google read image files names but fail to recognize meaningless words. Use keywords and put a little description to let search engines understand the file name.

7. Avoid Using Big Sized Images

Instead of using big sized images, use 70kb or blow this size pictures. Such images take less time to download and play an important role in improving the bounce rate.

8. Avoid Using Flash Intros

Flash files are rich media format that Google and other search engines don’t scroll. Today, HTML5 and other latest languages are using in place of flash.

9. Primary Content Above

Always keep important information on top and make it readable to users easily. Google algorithm for page layouts, has been updated where sites are rewarded that has important information on top of the page.

10. Improve Site Speed

Speed of a site should be fast. So, the design should be in the way that makes a page not much heavy. The more time a website take to load, the more the bounce rate will browser & external increase.

Kindly visit infographics which is equivalent of this post  – 10 Important SEO Tips for Every Web Designers

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