Nearly around 27.5% of websites have been created in WordPress. WordPress is on the track of gaining popularity around the world. It has a wide array of features that make it the preferable option when it comes to designing a website. Next Screen Infotech Private Limited is a popular WordPress Web Development Company that can make you walk through all the new web designs taking place in the digital world.
In the past times, a website used to get popular very quickly in a simple manner. The process involved in the making only included the selection of a theme and content uploading. And guess what? The audience used to jump over the websites in a short period. This time was almost a decade back, and in the present year, things have changed at a high level.
But have you ever wondered about the new WordPress web developments that are going to take place in the year 2019? It is the right time to talk about it.
So, let’s discuss them:
1. Drag and Drop Page Builders
Though this feature is already in action on most of the WordPress themes but is still not used enough as it should be. Use of this feature will only result in a big rise. People who lack knowledge of PHP can also make websites by just dragging and dropping the things on the pages of the websites. And when operations on website become this easy, its use even begins to increase and increase day by day.
2. Video Headers
This year and next, video headers are going to reign the websites and become the highly-preferred member of the limelight. Use of the internet by people around the world is at its highest peak, and playing videos on your mobile phones are a far easy and quick way to know about anything. Considering the same reason, WordPress Developers have now started using videos on the websites to engage more audience by making it attractive. The visitors on the website can obtain a lot more information through videos rather than just reading the text on the screen.
As a businessperson, it is a golden opportunity to go with this new trend and display their products and services in the most vibrant manner. It will help their business grow and increase conversions. WordPress is known as the master of customization and this time it has taken the customization to the next level by adding the video header option.
3. Mobile-Friendly Themes and Designs
Mobile-friendly themes are considered as the top WordPress Web Development Trend in 2019. Due to this addition among the top trends, the two things have also emerged namely Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). Most of the people prefer to use their mobile phones while searching for anything, due to which traffic overloads the website and slower the loading time. The purpose of using AMP pages is to fasten the loading time of the website on a mobile phone.
4. Focus on Animations
The purpose behind increasing emphasis on animations is to engage a large number of audiences on the website. A few years back, animation had a few features and was limited. But along with the improvement in HTML5 and CSS3, this feature has made the user’s experience more vibrant and interactive. People have now started making use of animations in comparison to videos and images on the website. These animations can easily be created in JavaScript and display as much as information a company wants to reveal.
5. Increased Use of Push Notifications
The notifications popping up on a website are meant to work just like SMS and mobile notifications. Even though push notifications could not outshine in comparison to email marketing and pop-ups, but still it is considered as the handiest tool to make the audience know about the updates. This is why it has earned its place among the new trends in 2019.
6. Sticky Elements
Popping up designs on the website has become a thing of past. The visitors do not wish to see such designs anymore; all they need is simplicity. Therefore, it is the right time to add the new trend of sticky elements. It can be a smart choice for any business website because people love to see sticky bars on the website, instead of usual pop-up designs.
7. More E-Commerce Services
If it is about e-commerce websites, then it is always about WordPress. WordPress is known to be a major reason behind the immense growth of these types of websites. In 2019, the e-commerce website owners will have an opportunity to adopt a wide range of sophisticated plugins and themes for their websites. These features are available for some specific industries only and have chances to deal with all types of industries by the end of the year.
8. Arrival of Micro-Interactions one more time
Micro-Interactions is counted among the tasks that usually take time less than a microsecond to perform. It is a small effort that is implemented in the websites and highly used for social media platforms. Having this feature on your website can let the audience engaged in a better way for a longer period than usual. More plugins will take place in WordPress in the year 2019 and enhance the websites.
Call to Action
To remain in the race of this digital world, it is important to have the support of Next Screen Infotech Private Limited, a WordPress Web Development Company. With us, you can have all that you want for your website. We have a team of expert web developers who are well-versed with these WordPress Web Development Trends in the year 2019. We are ready with a strategy and technology. All you need to do is get in touch with our company and get these features incorporated into your business website to engage more and more customers. They will help you in marking an extreme growth.