Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Website Redesign | Next Screen Blog

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Four Obvious Reasons Why You Should Redesign Your Website November 16, 2021

Four Obvious Reasons Why You Should Redesign Your Website

Many of us in the marketing industry consider our websites to be similar to that pair of shoes. We’re attached to our websites, even if they’re outdated or could function better.

We don’t want to spend money on a website overhaul, but let’s face it: you undoubtedly do.

A website redesign is a significant undertaking and investment, but it will pay off in the long run.

Many people’s first impressions of your business will be based on what they see on your website. If you’re debating whether to invest in a website redesign or not, we’ve compiled a list of four reasons why now is the best moment to do it:

You’d like to improve the user experience.

User experience (UX) is a relatively new design discipline that is becoming increasingly important in the success of a website. It is concerned with the emotional involvement visitor experiences while navigating your website and its corresponding goals.

A difficult-to-navigate site with slow load times or an overly complex one can leave a bad impression on visitors and cost you key leads. In fact, 88% of online users are less likely to return to a site after a negative experience.

If your website is guilty of these bad UX habits, you should consider a website redesign focused on improving the user experience. You should do the following to improve the user experience on your website:

  • Recognise how your users behave.
  • Consider your website’s aim and the action you want your visitors to take.
  • Use a user analytics tool to constantly enhancing your site’s user experience.
Website Redesign

Your website just does not function.

Have you ever tried to navigate a practically impossible website? Do you patiently wait for it to load only to be met with broken links, out-of-date offers, and a layout that isn’t compatible with modern browsers?

Not only is it aggravating, but it also makes you less likely to trust that website.

Your website may not be completely damaged, but parts of it may be outdated and in need of updating. Perhaps you haven’t optimized your site for the latest browsers, or you’re linking to outdated pages that were never properly redirected. These errors may appear minor, yet they have a big impact on your website’s overall efficacy.

If you ignore this for too long, it will negatively influence your traffic and lead generation efforts.

Your existing website isn’t mobile-friendly.

This should be self-evident. In today’s multi-screen world, you must ensure that your website accommodates this behavior. Simply put, if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re likely to lose out on key leads and potential consumers.

Redesign Your Website
Your website must be re-aligned with your marketing objectives.

It’s not uncommon for your sales and marketing goals to change as your company develops and expands. Keeping your website on track with those objectives might be difficult, but it’s an important part of digital marketing success.

Review your site at least once a quarter to ensure that it achieves your objectives (i.e., increased traffic, leads, etc.). If not, it’s time for some changes.

Have you made up your mind about the website redesign? Straightaway, get in touch with the experts at Next Screen Infotech.

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